The Association has supported with its organizational structure scientific and initiatives relating to various action and extreme sports.
- Publication of the first international scientific reference text on the integrated approach to extreme sports, entitled Extreme Sports Medicine (Ed. Springer 2016; over 95,000 downloads; https//link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-28265-7).
- Completion of the first-ever research project on assessing the fluidity of movement and coordination using wearable measurement systems (Results accepted for Publication on Journal of Human Kinetics) .
- Completion of the international project: “Understanding extreme sports: a psychological perspective” (20 papers; 67 researchers involved; 28,000 downloads; 236,000 views; https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/5939/understanding-extreme-sports-a-psychological-perspective) which was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology (2020) (IF: 2.990).
- Participation in the international project: “http://www.mltj.online/systems-methods-in-extreme-sports-medicine/” (19 papers; 61 researchers involved) published in Muscle Ligaments and Tendons Journal (MLTJ; 2020) carried out in collaboration with the University of Colorado (Indexed on: Scopus, PubMed).
- Coordination of the international project: “Health, wellbeing and performance I extreme environments”, Special Issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. MDPI 2022 (45 Authors; IF: 3.390).
- Publication of the book Thoracic Ultrasound and Integrated Imaging (Ed. Springer 2020; 24 Authors; 9 citations); the Association provided logistical and scientific support given the interest of the method in wilderness environments.
- Participation in the following book: “Canata GC, Jones H. Epidemiology of Injuries in Sports. European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA), Springer, 2021” with the chapter “Extreme Sports”.
- Participation in the following book: “The Running Athlete: A Comprehensive Overview of Running in Different Sports. Springer 2022. ” with three chapters: Running in preparation for sailing, The role of running in the training for kiteboarding and The role of running in parkour.
- Under the affiliation of the Association, Dr Feletti participated as a faculty member at the inaugural International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress, Boulder, Colorado (USA); 13-14 Jun 2014.
- Under the affiliation of the Association, Dr Feletti participated as a faculty member at the 2nd International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress, Boulder, Colorado (USA); 10-11 Jun 2016.
- On 19-22 September 2017, the Association held the first university PhD summer school entitled “Extreme Sports Medicine & Engineering” at the Polo Territoriale di Lecco of the Politecnico di Milano (Fig. 1-2).

- Under the affiliation of the Association, Dr Feletti participated as a faculty member at the 3rd International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress in 2018, Boulder, Colorado (USA); 1-2 Jun 2018.
- The first international Congress of the Association, entitled “Action Sports & Exercise Medicine Congress”, was held in Malcesine on 12-13 July 2019 and saw 120 participants from four continents, the collaboration of the Dept. of Mechanics and the Dept. of Electronics,Information and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano, the participation of the international skateboarding federation (World Skate), International Kiteboarding Association (IKA), European Hang-gliding and Paragliding Union (EHPU) and Foiling Week, as well as the Italian Ski and Winter Sports Federation (FISI) (Fig.3).

- “Dialogue on Thoracic Ultrasound – Part 1” – Webinar indexed on Pocus Hub https://www.pocushub.net/education/musculoskeletal/webinars/dialogo-sullecografia-toracica-parte-1 ; 15 July, 2020.
- “Dialogue on Thoracic Ultrasound – Part 2” – Webinar indexed on Pocus Hub https://www.pocushub.net/education/musculoskeletal/webinars/dialogo-sullecografia-toracica-parte2 ; 15 July, 2020.
- “Outdoor physical activity in the psoriatic patient” in collaboration with APIAFCO (Association of Italian Psoriasis Friends of the Corazza Foundation). Webinar; 19 November, 2020.
- “Physical activity adapted for Psoriasis” in collaboration with APIAFCO. Webinar; 1 December, 2020.
- Musculoskeletal injuries in alpine skiing, the role of ultrasound in diagnosis and rehabilitation. Webinar. 9 December 2020.
- Musculoskeletal injuries in endurance running, the role of ultrasound in diagnosis and rehabilitation. Webinar. 16 December 2020.
- Zasa M, Casteller G, Averna R, Caforio M, Balconi D. Fundamentals of motorcycle traumatology: diagnostic imaging and treatment. The Clinica Mobile experience. Webinar. 9 April 2021.
- The Association participated in the Extreme Sports Medicine Camp, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania. Title: Sports science and medicine in outdoor and extreme sports. The University of Tasmania; 14-16 October 2021.
- Under the affiliation of the Association, Dr Feletti participated a speaker at ESSKA1– ESMA2 – IOC3 Team Physician Course, (1European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy; 2European Sports Medicine Associates; 3International Olympic Committee). Paris, 28-29 Apr 2022.
- Under the affiliation of the Association, Dr Feletti participated as a faculty member at the 4th International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress in 2020, Boulder, Colorado (USA); 21-22 May 2022.
- Musculoskeletal medicine in skiing. Webinar, 4 March, 2022.
- Musculoskeletal medicine in running. Webinar, 14 giugno 2022.
- Musculoskeletal medicine in kiteboarding. Webinar, 19 luglio 2022.
- Musculoskeletal medicine in swimming. Webinar, 30 novembre 2022.
- Musculoskeletal medicine in triathlon. Webinar, 21 dicembre 2022.
- The Association has provided specialist and technical support to research projects on behalf of associations, companies or institutions operating in action and extreme sports.
- The members of the Association have patented a rescue system in MotoGP. Patent application n.102019000022572 at the Italian Patent & Trademark Office UIBM.
- The Association involves or collaborates with researchers from about 40 universities worldwide.
- The Association participates in national and international sporting events. Its members have been involved in strategic roles (e.g. health surveillance, data collection for research) in renowned sporting events (e.g., Campionato Italiano Kitebuggying 2013; Ironman Italia 2017-2019; Foiling Week 2018-2019).
- The Association was involved (scientific reports) in the World Extreme Medicine Conference, Edinburgh (UK), 2019
- The Association was involved (scientific reports) in the “Human Body in Motion”event, Université libre de Bruxelles. Brussels (BG), 28-29 April 2017.
- The Association was involved (scientific reports) in the event “Foiling Week”, Malcesine (ITA), 6-8 July 2017.
- The Association was involved (scientific reports) in the event “Yacht Racing Forum”, Aarhus (DK), 27-28 November 2017.
- As a partner of Terre del Triathlon, the Association was involved (scientific reports) in the event “Ironman Italia”, Cervia, on 21 September 2019.
- Official inauguration of the technology transfer platform, September 2022.
- Official inauguration of the internal Peer Review System based on the OJS model of Stanford University, September 2022.