Projects carried out from 2016 to 2020
- Publication of the first international technical reference text on the integrated approach to extreme sports, entitled Extreme Sports Medicine (Ed. Springer 2016); This has been an editorial success with over 83,000 downloads.
- EXTREMESPORTMED supported the organization and publication of approximately 30 studies in industry reference journals (with Impact Factor or indexed on Scopus, Web of Science or PubMed databases) related to outdoor sports including: Hydrofoil-sailing, Triathlon, BASE jumping, Kitesurfing, Paragliding, Hang gliding, Parachuting, Skateboarding and Parkour. These publications serve as reference works for some sports (e.g.: paramotor, kite buggy) or for some themes (overuse injuries in kitesurfing).
- It is under the affiliation of EXTREMESPORTMED that Dr Feletti had the honour to participate as a speaker at the inaugural International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress in 2014, Boulder, Colorado (USA). Then he was invited by the chairman Prof. Omer Mei-Dan at this important biennial event in 2016, and in 2018. The fourth edition, of this important event is postponed – due to the COVID-19 pandemic – on June 3rd-4th 2022.
Projects completed in 2020
- The international project Systems & Methods in Extreme Sports Medicine (19 published articles; 61 researchers) was published by MLTJ (2020) in collaboration with the University of Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Prof. Omer Mei-Dan) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (Lecco Campus, Prof. Marco Tarabini).
- Members of EXTREMESPORTMED participated in the international project: Understanding Extreme Sports: A Psychological Perspective (20 published articles; 67 researchers) published by Frontiers (2020) under the supervision of Prof. Eric Brymer.
- Publication of the book Thoracic Ultrasound and Integrated Imaging (Springer, 2020), which benefited from the support of the Society (both logistic and scientific) given the interest of the method in outdoor environments.
- Participation in the creation and dissemination of the informative booklet for EIDS evolution, results, and divulgation; prepared for the 19th ESSKA Congress (2020) (postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic).